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About Garrett State Bank

The Garrett State Bank is a progressive community bank that has a full line of business and personal financial products and services. The City of Garrett was founded in 1876 as a divisional point for the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad on the Chicago route. Several prominent citizens of Dekalb County formed the Garrett State Bank as a private institution. The Garrett Banking Company opened for business on Saturday, April 16, 1892.

The 125th Celebration for Garrett State Bank was a historic moment for the bank as well as the City of Garrett. Mark Fogt, President/CEO; Dan Brinkerhoff, Director; Mike Tullis, V.P./Sr. Lending Officer, and Kayla Konger, V.P./Sr. Retail Officer, shared their thoughts on Garrett State Bank’s 125th Anniversary in a collection of videos commemorating the 125th celebration.



What I Provided

In collaboration with Twist Creative Studio, we worked on filming the four key branch locations for Garrett State Bank for two days. We filmed the bank interiors, the bank exteriors, and filmed aerial footage of each bank branch as well as aerial footage of the City of Garrett and other key branch locations of the bank. The interviews were conducted after hours to not disrupt their banking clients in their main bank lobby in the City of Garrett.

The full-length video aired during the 125th Celebration in 2018 as well as posted to their Facebook page on September 18th, 2018. There has been a staggering 4.7 thousand views of the celebration video as of year-end 2020. The remaining series of 4 one-minute videos and 4 thirty-second videos aired in each bank branch on closed-circuit monitors and shared via their many social media channels.